In the News

We write about what we care about – the little and not so little things happening in and around our world. You’ll get your weekly dose of quirkies too. Do you have an amazing story or picture to contribute? Email: [email protected]

Priest with Covid kills himself

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A Catholic priest in the US state of South Carolina took his own life just a day after testing positive for Covid-19. Fr Michel Bineen...

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Egyptian Copts attacked; 1 dead

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An Egyptian Coptic Christian community has been attacked by Islamic militants. One man died, two were injured and three Christian-owned...

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Nurse gets first Covid jab in US

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An intensive care unit nurse became the first person in New York state to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, marking a...

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‘Vaccine not mark of the beast’

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The Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) has warned against people refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccine due to scepticism about the jab. The...

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Mystery illness baffles India

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One person has died and more than 450 have been hospitalised with a mystery illness in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Patients in the...

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UK begins Covid vaccine rollout

In the News • One Comment

People in the UK are set to receive a coronavirus jab on what has been dubbed “V-Day”, as a mass vaccination programme begins....

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