
When she found out she was pregnant in late December 2023, Mackenna Greene wasn’t sure what to do. In early January, she ordered an abortion pill online. She said she took the white pill the evening of Jan. 4 — and then quickly regretted it. “Honestly, the second that I found out that I was pregnant and was even considering abortion, I was unsure. I took that pill not being 100% confident in the decision from Day One,” Greene, 26, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, told the Register. “So the guilt and the, I guess, unsurety of what I was doing really set in after taking that pill. It continued to fester, I guess.” The next day she did a Google search to try to find out if the abortion pill can be reversed. “I was very desperate to get a way out of it,” Greene said. She got in touch with Chelsea Mynyk, a pro-life nurse practitioner, who immediately put her on a regimen of progesterone, a hormone that health-care providers sometimes use to prevent miscarriage during pregnancy. Greene said she took the first progesterone pill about 24 hours after the abortion pill and stayed on progesterone for several weeks after that. The progesterone pills, which Greene described as yellowish, worked. In August, Greene gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Greene and Mynyk spoke to the Register on Thursday, in an online interview arranged and attended by representatives of Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal organization that takes on religious-liberty cases. The organization is representing Mynyk in a federal lawsuit challenging a Colorado state law that threatens health-care workers with disciplinary action if they offer abortion-pill reversal. Mynyk told the Catholic Register the law is wrong. “I say that Colorado should not be able to silence us as medical professionals, or prevent us from saving lives. That is our job. That is our call: to help save lives,” Mynyk said. “And here we’re saving not only Mackenna’s life, but also her baby’s life. And that’s the role as a health professional,” she said. “So we’re just hopeful that we can make sure other professionals and other moms like Mackenna can have this option to choose to save their baby’s life.”

(Catholic Register; Picture Courtesy: Alliance Defending Freedom)

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