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Praying for Your Unborn Child

What might happen if pregnant mothers and expectant fathers learned to pray for their baby – even before its birth?

Francis and Judith MacNutt believe that if enough couples start praying for their unborn children a gentle revolution will take place. Those children will become more disposed to love God, happier and more secure.

The authors of this book are sure that surrounding a child with prayer, love and serenity – even before birth – will have a profound effect on his or her future well-being – both physical and spiritual. They draw on medical evidence that supports this view and share their own insights as parents.

Francis MacNutt, an internationally respected authority on renewal and healing, is the author of Healing. Judith MacNutt and her husband Francis are widely known for their healing ministry and together they wrote this book treasured by expecting parents.

It follows ancient Jewish traditional of praying/communicating with your unborn child. It will help a mother to maintain some focus on the good sides of pregnancy rather than all the risks and fears of having a child. It has month by month descriptions and prayers and a structure for praying through the months of a pregnancy.

We would recommend this one to any pregnant woman – and to grandparents, aunties, uncles, friends who can pray alongside the happy couple for the blessing of a safe and healthy delivery.

Rating: 8/10
By Christ & Co. 

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