Written by 2:42 pm Spiritual Warfare

Prayer for enemies

God of Heavenly Armies,

You are my strength and my refuge. When I am attacked by enemies, I need to courageously stand in righteous rebuke against those who would attack me. You have not given me a spirit of fear and timidity but of power and a sound mind.

I forgive and bless my enemies, Lord.

Jesus, my Saviour, You are righteous and holy. Day by day, I am under attack by enemies who wrongfully harass me. Strengthen me to live in such a way that these people who attack me realise how wrong their actions are. May they leave me alone. Bring them to repentance and change of heart.

Give me endurance and act with integrity to stand tall even when I am maligned. I need You to produce these qualities within me.

Lord, empower me to stand up for myself and others. Let me imitate the courage Joshua had as he led the Israelites to the promised land. But even more, let me ground myself in my worth in You. In the powerful name of Jesus.

God, my Fortress, You are infinitely loving. I am in trouble, O God, I am surrounded by those who hate me and seek evil for me. Tempting me to seek revenge, they continue their unjustified attacks day and night. Yet I look to You, You who sent Your Son to suffer and die at the hands of His enemies and still forgiving them. I need Your love. If I have been forgiven by You, how can I withhold forgiveness now? Give me strength.

Lord, my Shield, I am hurt and betrayed. I need wisdom from You on who I should trust. Because of these relentless attacks from enemies, my ability to trust has been damaged. Help me to see people through Your eyes and lead me to trustworthy friends. May trustworthy people displace those who wish harm in my life. As You guide me to trust the right people, enemies will leave. Give me kindness when I need to be kind and give me courage when I need to be brave. In Jesus’ name.

O God Enthroned on High, You raise leaders to enable Your people to lead a quiet life. You also give them the authority to punish wrongdoers. I ask that my situation be noticed and that You would utilise the authorities where I am to enact justice and defend me from my enemies. Thank You that You are in control, and my enemies are subject to You. Thank You that You use all things for my good. You are my defender. I trust You with my life.

O God, my Strength, when I am weak, You are strong. The book of Proverbs says that a “friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity.” I acknowledge that I need help and that enemies are attacking me. I know You have placed Your people around me and You work through them. Send trustworthy people to defend me in this time. I know I need to be humble and ask for help – I confess I have been trying to fight this on my own. Change my perspective away from false prideful independence to godly dependence on You.

All-Powerful Father, Your roads are the righteous way and I seek to follow You. I do not understand why I am attacked again and again by enemies. I need shelter from You. As Your Word says, may You take pleasure in my ways and cause them to make peace. You can change their hearts and minds and bring peace between them and me.

Almighty and Everlasting God, I trust in You always. In times of strife, hide me in Your wings and shield me from my enemies. Cause my enemies to run from me. You are my fortress and my walled city – I flee to You. Defending me from those who seek evil, You are the one in whom I take delight. When enemies seek my destruction, You frustrate their plans. Like a still pond or peaceful garden, so my soul rests knowing You are my Father. In You, I trust my life forever.

O God, my Promise-Keeper, You sit upon Your throne in heaven. Even though I lament that enemies continue in unjust actions and seem to escape consequences, I rest in the fact that vengeance is Yours. Nothing has happened which will not be accounted for on the day when You judge. Lord, You command me to not take revenge on those who attack me because You are the one who will execute perfect justice. I look forward to the day when You will make all things right. I rest in Your goodness.

Father, my Miracle-Worker, You have equipped Your saints to do good works in all seasons. Right now, I am assailed by adversaries on all sides and I cannot see a way to escape. Impart to me an inner strength and a deep resilience so that I can hold on and not give up.

Outlasting any opponent, may my endurance become a testimony to Your work in me. I pray that any attempt to break me will be thwarted and my enemies will surrender. Ground me in Christ.

I pray for this in the name of the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.


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