Written by 6:30 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – May 1

They say the two most important days in life are – the day you were born and the day you find out why. To me, work is reporting for daily duty to the heavenly Father – who is the Master of all creation. Just follow HIS plan for your life. Narrow road, road less-travelled but it brings joy to God and yourself.

The world needs workers of all kind. Strangely, when a whole government office shut down, the world never came to a standstill, but when sanitation workers went on strike, one whole city did. Shows how each job deserves fairness, good pay, benefits and mainly – respect.

The Word reinforces and clarifies the role and dignity of any work, and the rights of ALL workers. All people deserve appreciation – regardless of gender, age, the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs, or their place of origin. Individual skills need to be shared to build up the whole, in keeping with God’s original master plan. It is amazing how God created entertainers and sports persons and chefs and artists and economists. Everyone has a role to play.

When we think about work, let’s not forget the least of our brethren. This is what Christ modelled – reaching out to those outside the margins.

Also, let whatever we do, glorify Him. If you are called to clean a home, clean it with all your heart, knowing it is to glorify Him. Serve Jesus well. Not all of us can glorify God on the stage, most do it best off the stage.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” (Colossians 3:23)

Let our mandate be to leave this world a better place than how we inherited it.

Be a faithful co-creator with God, which is part of God’s original plan for humanity.

Honour God with your life. Do it daily.

#GlorifyingChristInEverything #InternationalWorkersDay

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