Written by 2:15 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Jan 6

Who are you offended by, angry with or have decided to cut off – even in the first week of the new year?

Times have changed so much the older generation says – apparently people do not really care enough to hold on to loved ones, friends, neighbours or even family, anymore. Members of the same family hate each other, churches have infighting and communities and homes break even further with gossip and complaining.

Almost all the people who I have ministered to have people problems. ALL are carrying deep wounds, trauma even from childhood. Most do not even know what the others are going through because everyone seems to paint such happy pictures on social media. But the truth is, we are all struggling. In the last one year, my own family has battled my dad’s cancer, I have been sick for more than a year, most of my friends have battled career failures, financial crunches, deaths, health crises and family problems. The ones who win are always the ones who let JESUS do the fighting. You SUBMIT TO GOD first and then resist the devil. Jesus already paid the price for your salvation, good health and joy. Freely receive and then just rest in HIM.

We can’t win on our own strength. We may try to move on, but the offense will try to rear its ugly head back, each time you hear about the person who hurt you. The fact is, you struggle more if you harbour hatred. Unforgiving attitude and pride hurts you more than it hurts the other. You can fool people but you cannot fool GOD. HE knows every idle word you have spoken, every sting you are holding onto. What you sow is what you reap. You sow evil, you will reap evil. You can’t mudsling someone without staining your own hands with mud. You hold on to a wasp and at some point it will sting you again. Let go – we are not toddlers anymore. Try to make peace this year, now. Forgive. Then give it to GOD.

If I have hurt you, knowingly or unknowingly, I ask your forgiveness. If you have hurt me, I forgive you – completely and unconditionally.

Life is hard enough, without having to hold onto loads which we shouldn’t carry.

Have you noticed that memories of people and things in the past that wounded you so deeply become just peaceful when you pray and surrender? That’s not random. That’s God tilling the soil of your heart and pouring the Holy Spirit’s healing balm into it. Grab on to that and let that increase. Battle against evil in prayer. Align with His purpose. Pray daily – dialogue with Jesus. Burdens will be lifted and clarity will come. The walls you built around your heart against God and people will crumble. Hope will be renewed.

The world needs you and your godly kinda love. Freely get from JESUS, then freely give.

#ForgiveLikeJesus #Blessed2025

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