Written by 8:23 am In the News

Woman tries to hire prospective groom

Bengaluru-based Indian entrepreneur Udita Paul, received a prospective groom’s profile posted on Jeevansathi – a matrimonial site, from her father.

Udita, co-founder of financial start-up Salt, wanted to hire the probable groom, who had seven years of experience in the sector.

She shared the hilarious exchange between father and daughter on Twitter captioned “what getting disowned by father looks like.”

The could-be-groom didn’t get hired, however. His salary expectations (Rs 62 lakh) was more than what her company could afford.

Udita’s father soon deleted her matrimonial profile as well.

The website Jeevansathi, soon offered, “Let us know if you still have an opening & we will apply for the perfect life partner.”

The young woman’s humorous post has gotten13.8k likes so far.

(Picture Courtesy: Twitter/Udita Pal)

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