Tag: thanksgiving

Rich Chocolate Cake


Rich Chocolate Cake will forever remain one of the most craved-for and drool-worthy desserts in the world. A cocoa-based cake –...

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Beat temptation with Scripture

Divine Reflections

Have you ever wondered why retail and grocery stores place items such as magazines, candy and trinkets near or in the checkout line? It is...

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Unveiling the Father in the Son

Divine Reflections

“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves” (John...

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Mamma’s German Lemon Cake


We love anything lemony. What better recipe to brush up on, than a lovely, featherlight German Lemon Cake? This cake recipe is my...

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Living with a prodigal child?

Divine Reflections

Most Christian parents have this dream – their children will follow the Lord and serve Him. No one ever hopes their child will be...

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Green Chicken Biryani

Main Course • 2 Comments

A much-treasured and much-enjoyed recipe shared by a Pakistani friend. This one and various versions of it figure among our favourite...

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