Tag: nature

Stronger than cancer


The ‘C’ word: Why do we need to change the way we speak about cancer? Quite possibly there are few diseases that terrify us as...

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How to stay in love forever


Very often, many of us married people wonder: “How can we stay together forever, always supporting and loving each other? How do we...

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Blueprint for a great marriage


Being of the same mind is so important to take the right decisions in a relationship like marriage. If husband and wife don’t see eye to...

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Make travel easy for seniors


Each year, millions of seniors travel on our roads and airways. While many people find traveling somewhat inconvenient, for seniors with...

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10 best hair care tips


You don’t need to have a celebrity hairstylist to achieve beautiful hair! In fact, if you change your hair care routine, you’ll have...

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Detox, cleanse and lose weight


Most people wouldn’t have known what detoxification actually meant, until recently. Long before we had heard of it, ancient Greeks...

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