Written by 3:37 am Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Prayer for the grieving

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those who are grieving – those struggling with mute pain and suffering due to the irreparable loss of a loved one.

Jesus, only Your Holy Spirit can heal our grief. Come into our situations and be our peace like only YOU can.

We give you our worries and concerns and ask for your guidance. You see it all, the outer circumstances, and our inner turmoil. Lord, sometimes our hearts weigh heavy with the grief.

Our hearts are broken and our spirits mourn. All we know is that Your grace is sufficient. This day, this hour, moment by moment, we choose to lean on You, for when we are at our weakest, Your strength is strongest.

We pour out our grief to You and praise You that on one glorious day – when all suffering ends and love has conquered – we shall walk together again.

Right now we lay all these things before You. We breathe, safe in the knowledge that our loved ones are with You and we on earth are held by Your grace.

We wait on You for peace and comfort in these troubled times. For you are all truth, you are overflowing love, you are a beacon of hope and a fortress of faith.

Lord, we choose to be attentive to Your voice. May we be alert to your Spirit’s guiding as we journey onwards with You.

When we are in pieces, Your presence will keep us.

We love and trust You, Precious Abba Father. Amen.


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