Written by 7:02 am Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Prayer for the apostates

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the ones who have left Your fold by wilful choice.

Lord, we pray for our loved ones who do not want to recognise You or worship You as God. We pray for them to have hearts fully joined to You, fully submissive and fully obedient. Give each one of them a heart of flesh, to replace a heart of stone, a heart that is cold and unyielding.

We bring to You their doubts, anxieties, confusion and pain. Work within the bitter, the angry, the unbelieving – to change their hearts and minds. Put Your Holy Spirit within them.

We pray that they would come to You, JESUS Christ in every crisis. If unbelievers are to come to salvation, there is just one way. They must come through You and You alone. Guide them back to Your Eternal Love.

We pray that You will open their hearts to truly and daily believe the gospel. Once more, Lord Jesus, please.

Free them from the slavery of sin. Liberate them by Your Word.

Remove Satan’s blinding influence. Lead them to a knowledge of the truth. We pray that unbelievers who have been blinded by satan will be able to truly see Your love, Your Healing, Your precious price for the salvation of all.

Grant them repentance. May they come to their senses and escape from the devil’s snare – give them Your grace to conquer evil with good, to take each though and make it obedient to Christ.

We trust in your mercy and plead that the apostates will be brought back and redeemed like pure silver.

A prayer also for those of us who are standing by longingly and praying for their return to You.

Lord Jesus, we need Your strength.

Give all of us your power, grace and strength that we may not give up, while waiting.


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