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Power of your spoken word

The miracle is on our tongues. The Word is close to you. It’s in your heart. It is in your confession of it – aloud.

The Word incarnated is Jesus the Almighty God. God promised that not one of His Words comes to the world and returns without serving its purpose.

No Word of God is fruitless. The Word that created everything from nothing is eternally powerful and nothing is impossible for God. This creative word, this word of blessings, this word of healing, this word of liberation, this word of protection, this word of renewal, this word of amazing miracles, is in our mouths.

When I say I am blessed, I really feel the blessed experience. When I say I am healed, the healing process takes place. I have received the courage and strength of the Holy Spirit. Therefore when I declare that I am courageous enough to face the challenges of life, I get the courage of the Holy Spirit to face the challenges of life, I get the strength to go through the adversities of life and conquer the enemy.

We need to say the Word with undivided heart, with strong faith in the power of the Word. I am so dear to my God and God has taken delight in me; I am favoured by the Lord; I am blessed when I speak out these words with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; the word will serve its purpose. The spirit of faith is in our words. And the holy spirit of the Lord will bear the fruit of the word spoken out through you. We have the scripture knowledge that we are blessed, the word of healing is coming on us.

We are strengthened and we have the help of the Holy Spirit. But nothing happens in our lives unless and until we believe and we speak in our mind and in our mouth. We need to understand this great spiritual mystery that miracles happen in our mouth, miracles happen in what we speak, miracles happen in our words. There is power available on your tongue. There is healing on your tongue. There is freedom on your tongue. There is wonderful miracle on your tongue.

In times of pandemic, when you are fighting with the illness it is easy to believe the general notions, medical records and the things happening around us that speak to us. And it is much easier to repeat what they speak. When we repeat what these records speak, we are inviting more disease, more challenges and more difficulties into our lives. We need to change what we are saying. The Holy Scripture reminds us that let the weak say I am strong. We have not received the spirit of fear and weakness. But we have received the holy spirit of strength and courage, love and sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7).

While we are weak; if we speak about the weakness, if we discuss about the weakness, if we ponder over weakness then we are attracting the power of the negative (weakness). We are attracting more weakness into our weakness. If we speak the negative words then those negative words will bring the effects of negativity. Our God is a God of the living. God is a living God. What God speaks about us is the only important thing. God tells us that he is going to restore our health (Jeremiah 30: 17). God promises that he is going to strengthen us in our weakness. God speaks to me that he is going to bring freedom in my captivity. God promises that I will be liberated.

God fulfils his promises. In moments of weakness, due to my illness, if I speak that I am going to die then I am attracting death. If I say that I am not going to be cured then I am inviting lack of healing. In front of the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus did not sing the song of the dead. Instead Jesus spoke the words of life and resurrection. The very moment Jesus spoke life to decaying Lazarus that word of life brought forth the amazing Miracle of life and resurrection in abundance (John 11: 1-44).

It is not only enough that we don’t speak negative words but it is also important to be offensive to the negative. We need to offend the negative with the positive words. By speaking the word of God by speaking what God tells about us we are on the offensive all through the day of our illness. The illness we are undergoing is a sad reality and a very real experience. Illness is a negative experience. In this negative experience if we repeat what this negatives speak to us, what this illness speaks to us then we are letting the illness to happen in its fullness. Speak to oneself speak out in this way that God is going to fulfil his promises in my life.

  • What God has started in my life will fulfil in my life. God will help me to fulfil the destiny of my life. God will not desert me. God is all powerful and nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:38).
  • From the bounty of mercy God will bless me. God will comfort me. God will strengthen me. God will heal me, his healing words are coming on me; I will be healed; this is not a setback; it’s going to be a set up in my life. Nothing can destroy me. God will restore me. Nothing can stop me; Jesus will set me on the right track. The almighty Holy Spirit helps me to keep going. I have wonderful things to achieve. No evil can stop me.
  • God is on my side (Psalms 118: 6-9).
  • God’s grace is upon me (1 Corinthians15: 10).
  • I am blessed (John 1: 6).
  • God has healed me and I am healed (Psalms 30: 2).
  • I will not be afraid. God the saviour is with me. Indeed God will strengthen me. Yes God will help me. I will be upheld by the almighty God with his righteous hand (Isaiah 41: 10).
  • God has promised that I have been blessed and I will be a blessing (Genesis 12: 2)

The moment you speak the words of healing, the words of life, the words of strength, the words of encouragement, the words of blessing – you may not feel it right there. You may continue to feel the weakness of the illness/problem. But the strength of the illness is already declining. You are conquering the snares of the evil one. When the corona virus says that you are going to die, don’t believe it; speak that you will not die and you are going to live long; you are going to have a long happy and healthy life. By saying these words of the Creator, you are releasing the miracles of life from your tongue.

Every day, every time you have to declare the freedom of the children of God (1 John3: 1). You and I have to declare – “I am blessed; I am healed; I am strengthened; I am liberated by my almighty merciful loving father in heaven”.

In the journey of our life, if the evil has been spoken to us through somebody like ‘you are not good, you are not capable, you cannot do it’, over the time we have been tempted to repeat the words of the evil. When we confess negative words to ourselves, then our negative words release lifelessness, inferiority complex and helplessness into our life.

Do not, my dear brother, do not, my dear sister, do not, never ever reproduce the words of the evil. These words will prolong your bondage. When I repeat negative words that ‘I am not good’, then nothing good will come out of me. When I say I am not good for anything, then the result will be nothing. If I utter the words that I cannot do anything, then I will never be able to do anything. I will never have the confidence to do anything good. These words will bury my glorious possibilities.

Unleash the miracle in your mouth. Your words will become your realities. When we speak out the word of God, in the unseen world chains will be loosened. With faith in the word of God we have to keep saying it repeatedly. We are prophesying our future as planned by God.

When teenager David confronted Goliath (1Samuel17:1-58), David did not look at his giant size and all the weapons. David did not listen to the groaning Goliath and the cruelty in his words. Instead, David said this day I will defeat you and feed your head to the birds of the air (1 Samuel 17: 45). David wasn’t just positive but he had understood the principle that miracle was on his mouth. David just released the miracle of glorious victory. If David had focused on the physical size, the weapons, the words of Goliath and the noise of the Philistines and the fearful doubtful words of the Jews, then there would have been no David in the history of the people of God.

We may face giants in our lives. A giant of failures, of setbacks, of diseases, of mental illness, of depression, of confusion, of rejection, of loneliness etc,. Like David we will have to declare that I will defeat you. Confidently proclaim the victory (1 Corinthians 15: 57) The forces of heaven are ever greater than the forces that are trying to stop me from my purpose. David had no one at his side to encourage him. No one had confidence in him. David was all alone to face Goliath. David was united in heart and mouth. David spoke his heart. Like David if we are in agreement with our heart and with our tongue we will defeat the giants and we will accomplish our divine dreams (Deuteronomy 28:7)

Don’t worry if nobody sees what you see in your heart. Don’t worry if nobody understands what you have understood. God will carry you on his victorious almighty shoulders. You need no one to agree with you. You have to agree with yourself only. Like David we should have the audacity to say with confidence “Goliath, I will defeat you”. People may make fun of us, ridicule us (1 Samuel17: 41-42), don’t worry they haven’t seen what you have seen. Do not count on the words of the people around you: it may sound like thunder blast, but do not heed it. The greatness of ourselves is in the presence of the Almighty Holy Spirit within us. People will judge us by the external appearance, our experience, our qualifications; power and positions, our race and nationality. They may not see the almighty word in our heart and the miracle on our tongue.

Like David, we have to keep SPEAKING VICTORY in spite of what others say. We will be tempted to speak what we see. Do not give your heart to the temptations of the evil. Our words will give life to what we speak out. If we go on talking about the problems, difficulties, possibilities failures and so on then remember that we are giving life to the negative things. When an angel of the lord spoke to Zachariah he doubted the words of the Lord (Luke 1: 10-20). Therefore he was silenced until the baby – John the Baptist, was born. However big be your problems, adversaries, how impossible it seems to clear OET or IELTS or some other competitive exams or some interviews, do not think like Zachariah, and do not speak like Zachariah.

Like Mary, come in agreement with the word of the Lord. Wholeheartedly believe the word of the Lord. Like Mary speak it out believing that nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1: 38).

No enemy can stop you from your destiny. We are the children of God. We need not look out for the courage and the strength we need. The power of God is within us. The Holy Spirit of courage and strength is in our heart. Overcome the temptations of fear by just disobeying it and loving the holy spirit of courage and strength. Jesus in front of the tomb of Lazarus praises the Father in heaven who has already answered his prayers (John 11: 41-44). God has already done his heart. Jesus ordered the Jews.. take away the stone (John 11: 39). But Martha the sister of the deceased Lazarus gives the report card – “Lord, already there is a stench because he has been dead four days. Now it is your turn to do your best”.

Declare what God has already done for you. The beloved ones, the people around you, and the tomb sealed by rock tells you that your life is finished; you are buried; there is no possibility of improvement; there is no chance of getting healed; it is impossible to clear the exams; there is no way to get through the interviews. But God has already sent his spirit of life upon you. Like Lazarus You have been asked to come out of the tomb. You just need to pronounce the words of life from your mouth. The life giving word is in your heart; it is on your tongue; speak out; you will see the amazing Miracle of resurrection.

The odds are against you but your dreams shall come true. God is opening a new door (Acts5:19) that no man can shut. We need to hold fast the profession of our faith. Speak out what you believe, speak out your faith. We no longer believe in a God who is dead and buried but instead we believe in a God whom death can no longer hold, who has resurrected with glorious triumph over death and sin.

You might have seen the game – tug of war. Two sides pull in the opposite direction, trying to defeat the other. Same is the case with Satan who is trying to pull away what God has put in our heart. Keep speaking victory over the enemy. Every time we speak victory, we are moving towards victory. every time we speak we are healed, we are moving towards healing. Speak victory over the addiction; ‘I am the free child of God (Philippians 4: 13), no longer this addiction can control me. By God’s Grace I am free of this addiction’.

Keep releasing the miracle on your tongue. Words are like good seeds which take roots and sprout and grow, become trees and bear fruit. We are going to become what we say. speak out faithful words over your life, over your family, over your dreams, over your efforts, over your studies, Over your interviews, over your exams. Eventually your words will become your reality. Speak with confidence and speak with faith that what you speak is going to happen. Pray like this. “Lord Jesus, thank You very much for I am healed. Lord Jesus, thank You very much for I am glorified by the victory. Do not plant the wrong seed that which will bear the fruits of the liar”.

God our Father is our healer, our way maker and our saviour. Believe that the Creator of heaven and earth will bless you will go out and work for you. The Almighty Creator did not create anything from the material or from something; instead, God created everything through his words. God said let there be light (Genesis1:3). And only on the fourth day God created Sun moon and stars (Genesis1:16).

Before you begin your language courses such as IELTS, German or any other training, release the miracle of victory from your tongue. Confess that you are going to win; you will have a glorious result. The Holy Spirit of the Lord will lead you to magnificent victory.

Do not speak OF your troubles. Speak TO the problems. Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God? (John 11: 40)

By Fr Vinoj Chacko Mathoor MCBS

Fr Vinoj is an Indian Catholic priest, who was born and raised in Karnataka. Besides his priestly qualifications in Philosophy and Theology, Fr Vinoj holds a degree in English Lit., Sociology and Economics and a B.Ed. Fr worked as a teacher in Shimoga, before moving to the hills of Thonichal in Wayanad, Kerala, where he is based now. You may receive Fr’s inspirational prayers via WhatsApp +919611446896

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