Written by 3:35 pm Divine Reflections

Motherhood, a godly privilege

Mother’s Day comes and goes every year. We celebrate our mothers with cards and flowers and maybe even some gifts.

As a mother myself to one child on earth and two in heaven, Mother’s Day comes with a tension of incredible joy and devastating sadness. I hold my one child with immense gratefulness, whilst grieving for the two that never got to feel their mother’s cuddle.

I think of people who have never had the privilege of conceiving a child; others who have lost their children whilst still in the womb and especially who have outlived their own offspring.

Mother’s Day can be tough. But it is often these people, who have taught me incredible lessons about mothering.

Mothering is a privilege that God bestows on us! Whether we are natural mothers or whether we take on that mantle. Mothering is an honour and a crown that we wear. Mothering is a nurturing gift.

We care physically, mentally, emotionally and the lockdown has proven that we even care academically for our children.

But our biggest role is NURTURING our children SPIRITUALLY. Psalm 8:2 says, “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold…”

If babies can sing praises of God, they already know God and are aware of God. Our role as mothers is to nurture that further.

Deut 6:7 says, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

So as yet another lockdown is upon us, let us not worry about our children’s class marks or our woes about money. Instead, as mothers, let us take on our mantle ‘to nurture our children’s faith’.

Happy Mother’s Day!

By Rachel Field

Rachel is married to Stephen and they have a little boy called Zack. She is of mixed race, was born in India and moved to England in her teenage years. She has travelled to a few different countries on Short Term Mission Trips. She has served in different capacities in a missional context in Rotherham, including pioneering Fresh Expression for young children. She has trained and mobilised people to serve in missions for over ten years. She has an MA in Global Leadership in Intercultural studies from Redcliffe. She has served as the Missions Coordinator at a local church and at Mattersey Hall Bible College and been a guest lecturer at four different Bible Colleges in the UK. Her passion is Jesus and living for HIM!

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