Written by 3:27 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Oct 11

I do not know what you were tackling this past week. Family pressure, work stress, financial crunch, joblessness, being childless, homeless, being single, a fight, end of a relationship, a technical glitch, loss, illness, grief, depression – something major or minor.

And like many of us, you could have been battling the same thing for years or it might be the cross which keeps coming back to you. And you have been praying. it may be “God, will you please get me out of this?”

God may. He may not. Trust His wisdom.

Pray, “Dear Jesus, come into this pain of mine, this thorn in my flesh. I have battled it, resisted it, tried to pray it away. As things are not changing, help me change my perspective. Now I ask for YOUR presence and grace to finally start resisting this demon. Not in my strength anymore. In Yours alone. Help me”.

Don’t talk yourself out of what you know God is asking you to do.

May God help you wherever you are. You kept running and complaining. Instead, stop. Surrender and learn how to bloom where you are planted, to keep a good attitude even when your situation remains unchanged and to praise Him ceaselessly through the valley.

How long you will remain in the valley depends on your attitude while in the valley.

Complain and remain, or praise and be raised.


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