Written by 5:53 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 15

Satan – the chief deceiver – lies to God about you, to you about God, to you about yourself and to you about each other.

Don’t give in to his lies. Don’t take the butter knife; take the sword – the Word of God – and cut his lies off. You are loved, accepted, wanted and precious to God and to people! God sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus to die for you! #Amen

It never ceases to amaze me how many godly relationships, families, Christian friendships and even lifelong ministry commitments are broken up – by deception and lies.

If you are a mature Christian, you will not judge another human being just based on hearsay. You and I are called to test all gifts and not test people on what is SPOKEN about them. Give people a chance. You’d probably then hear their version which might be the actual truth! You may even be the one who helps heal the rift.

Blessed are the peacemakers! #Hallelujah

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