Written by 4:43 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – June 27

One often hears of random acts of love, kindness and charity. That, though honourable, is just a ripple in the ocean.

So many youngsters today and even older people are in a mad rush to win accolades, build careers, achieve success. To leave a mark. But goodhearted people leave godly marks on people daily.

Love, kindness and charity should not be just a random act, but an innate quality that becomes a lifestyle. All of us may not get a chance to preach, travel the world or minister to millions. But you and I can fill our daily corner with Christlike love and take Christ to everyone we meet.

And that could be your greatest legacy. For that, connect to the powerhouse of all three qualities and more – Jesus.

Everything else you leave for the next generation can wither away or be taken away.

Your greatest legacy is not what you leave for people, but what you leave in people.

Leave a bit of Jesus’ nature in all you meet.

#IReflectMyJesus #LivingChristlike

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