Written by 4:15 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – July 26

It been a hard season, but God has seen you through – like HE always has, or you would not be alive today!

Yet, in the middle of the night and many times during the day, you are anxious. Don’t allow the enemy to manipulate your mind. Don’t allow his false perceptions to weigh you down. Surrender all to the Lord. Pray. Ask Him for His peace. Speak the Word over yourself…for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.

Worship HIM with your life and all you have. You may not see it. You may not feel it…but He IS working. Trust GOD. He is near. Don’t allow fear and uncertainty to rob you of happiness TODAY. Don’t you worry about the what ifs. Rest. ENJOY everyday life. He’s got it all worked out. You just get prepared to receive what is greater…which is coming.

I pray that He comforts you right now, in whatever you are facing.

In JESUS’ name.


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