Written by 4:37 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – April 4

There is nothing that breaks people more than the words/acts of another.

Learn today that your worth is conditional upon nothing that people do or say to you or say about you.

Rejoice, knowing that you are of infinite value to God. You came into the world precious to God and you still are precious to Him, regardless of what people made or still make you feel.

Don’t let anyone convince you that your worth is rooted in anything so transient as another person’s opinion of you.

Live what is written on your souls from the Bible, rather than what other people have written upon you out of their own brokenness and wounds.

Love God first and then ALL people – without condition and without limit, in a world that places every kind of condition upon giving and receiving love.

Speak about His grace in a world that thrives on shame and condemnation. Carry light, beauty and abundance into a world that seems to be threatened by these.

Listen to the world and to yourself, but please dismiss what insults your soul. And dismiss anything that shuts out His love and light – which is what God is all about.

The voice of JESUS should be the loudest in your life. And HE said you are precious to the Cross and back!

#IBelongToJesus #BoughtWithHisBlood

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