Written by 3:59 pm Divine Reflections

Joy comes in the morning

“For His anger is but for a moment, His favour is for life; weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)

Every Saint ought to know the danger involved in provoking God to anger in any form. What provokes Him is disobedience in any form. Although the Lord’s anger is for a moment, according to the first part of the quoted verse of the Scripture above. One truth is that a second of God’s anger is not tolerable for man. It leaves an indelible mark on the life of the victim.

May the Lord not go into judgment with you in Jesus’ mighty name. That is why you need to be very careful to be obedient to His instructions, anytime and anywhere. The time of His anger is a time of darkness. It is a time of night. It is a time of weeping. This can come in any form and way. One sure thing is that God’s anger is associated with hours of nightmares and bitterness of heart. It is a night without any Ray of light.

Do you know that it is not every hour of darkness in a Saint’s life is a result of God’s anger? Sometimes, it could be to test or prove him. It could be a time to prepare Him for the glory ahead of him. In all these, you may have to weep in it. Why? It is because it is nighttime when it sometimes seems as if there will never be a light.

What is the common experience of anyone in the night? He anxiously awaits and watches for the arrival of the morning. His question is always, “When will the morning come?”

The Songwriter of Israel compared his waiting soul with that of someone waiting for the morning. He said it is more than the watching of someone waiting for the morning, Psalm 130:6.

What is in the morning that calls for watching and waiting for it? Everlasting favor of God. When the favour of God comes, all things will fall into place. A Saint will enjoy the favour of man and all living things. Samuel grew in “stature, and in favor with the Lord and men.” (1 Samuel 2:28)

Are you waiting or watching for your morning? Be sure it will certainly come. Never be in a hurry. Patiently wait for it. It has been slated for a particular time. Like any other person, watch for the morning and wait for it.

Any need for the morning? “Yes!” is the answer. Coming with all-around favour is joy. Joy is a close companion of the morning. He comes with it. It is a time of rejoicing, a time of celebration.

Yours will soon come in the name of Jesus Christ. Do not fail to obey the Lord. Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.

By Olawale Ogunsola

Olawale was trained as an accountant, but today, is a full time minister of God, an author and a poet, raised to offer words of comfort to our generation. He lives in Nigeria and has great love for the Word of God. His other hobbies include music, photography, reading, writing and looking for a way to utter a word of comfort. “Nothing is of me, everything is of God. I am who I am, by the special grace of God”. His writings can be found here: https://4thlink.wordpress.com/

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