Written by 6:39 am Divine Reflections

Facing the future with faith

You faithful readers know by now  that one of my favourite subjects is Faith.

Facing the Future by Faith is true only if the object of our Faith is Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord….and if we claim all the promises in the Bible as true and valid for today…and for all eternity. That’s a long sentence, but is so true!

In 1990 (after pastoring for 45 yrs.) I had two strokes, then later found that I had cancer of the vocal chords. That’s a tough diagnosis for ANYone, but especially for a pastor as the Dr. said there was a possibility I might lose my vocal chords!

After 32 radiation treatments in 1991, I have been cancer free…Praise God!!!!

Due to the cancer treatments leaving my mouth VERY dry, I had to take early retirement even though it meant lower benefits.

I told LaMoyne that I was literally a ‘dry preacher’ but hopefully not in my ministry! I also told her that I had gone full circle from a baby bottle….to carrying a bottle of water with me all the time 🙂

When I retired, I was told I would be eligible for Disability. When I learned that if I chose to do that, I would no longer be able to pursue my life’s calling of pastoring, I took early retirement instead.

God was SO gracious to open doors of ministry for us as we were able to serve these churches as Interim Pastor.

~Emmaus Baptist in Moore, Ok.

~Waikoloa Baptist on the Big Island of Hawaii for 2 yrs.

~Eastwood Baptist -1994 (near Nicoma Park where we served as full time pastor for 5 yrs.)

~Alameda Baptist in Norman Ok. – 1994 (as well as Dir. of Vacation Bible School)

~Kinoole Baptist in Hilo, Hawaii (Aug.- Dec. 1994)

~Kona Baptist on the Big Island (Jan. 1995- June 1995)
(where we previously served as full time pastor from 1986-’90)

~Wailuku Baptist on the Island of Maui (Sept. 1996 -Oct. 1997)

~First Baptist Church, Hobart, Ok. (July 5, 1998 – Feb. 1, 1999)
(La Moyne’s home church where she was baptised @ 10 yrs. of age)

~Kaumana Dr. Baptist in Hilo, Hawaii (Aug. 13, 1999 – June 2000)

~Etowah Baptist Church east of Norman (for several months)

It has blessed our hearts as we’ve heard from several of the churches in Hawaii, asking us to please come back!

How we wish we could, but we’re limited now due to health ‘challenges’. We’ve dreamed of living and serving among the precious people of Hawaii again, but it’s comforting to know we’ll join them some day in Heaven!

God blessed us with this new ‘Avenue of Ministry’ when we joined Faith Writers in 2004 and began posting weekly messages. Over these yrs. we only missed 2 wks. of posting..once due to an Ice Storm, then again when Moyne had a heart attack (afib).
Lately we’ve had to miss some weeks as we’re ‘slowing down’…not by choice!!

I thought I would share some things that we’ve learned and hopefully they might be helpful for you.

1) Don’t be anxious over what ‘might be’ as it’ll keep you from what is ‘now’.

2) Take life seriously and not ‘for granted’. Don’t miss the ‘Joy of the Moment’ as the best is NOW.

Death is a reality, but don’t make it an obsession! As we age, we’ve been made ‘aware’ of death almost daily as SO many of our dear friends have gone on Home.

Just learned today that a dear neighbour died yesterday. He and his little dog and I with our little dog Cosmo, used to take our walks together. We had many good talks as we recalled the days when we played ball for Oklahoma Univ.

3) During a restless night one time in the hospital, I looked at my watch and it had stopped at 3:05 a.m. The ‘clock of life’ will stop someday but with God, the best is always ‘yet to be’….this of course includes Heaven.

4) I may not get to preach again down here, but I remember one of Edgar Guest’s poems…”I’d rather SEE a sermon any day as to HEAR one.”

5) Two of my favorite Scriptures come to mind:
~ “Prove me now says the Lord” (Malachi 2:10)
~ “Be shut up to Faith” (Galatians 3:23)

Retirement is not for the faint of heart, but for ‘re-newed’ hearts. Many times lately, I’ve had to re-new my vows to God to ‘keep on keeping on’ until Jesus comes or until He calls me Home.

God gave me a motto for our latter years…from our favourite show ‘Andy Griffith’ when Barney Fife said, “2 plus 2 equals 4”.

When I’m having memory difficulties, I tell La Moyne, “Remember 1 plus 1 equals 1.” Course some days the 2 of us don’t even equal ONE, but then we say, “At least we’re still here.”

We receive encouraging mail from several members @ Bethel Baptist Church where I served as Pastor (1975-1986) It thrills me when they address the cards to ‘Pastor Travis’ and La Moyne as I miss being called Pastor.

This card from a Ladies’ Group at Bethel really ministered to me:

“Pastor Travis, we pray each day that you and La Moyne may know:

This is our prayer for you both”

And that is our prayer for each of YOU also!

By Travis E. Wiginton

Travis pastored over 55 years – in Korea and in Hawaii, US. In 1951, at the first church he attended, Travis first saw the love of his life, LaMoyne, singing in the choir (although they grew up just 30 mins from each other) From the first day together, to their wedding, to the end of their days, they were inseparable. As a teen, LaMoyne too had felt God directing her to serve as a missionary, so the couple went to Korea in 1960; Travis studied Korean 7 hours daily. He enjoyed all sports. He passed away on June 4, 2019, leaving a legacy of love and friendship.

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