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15 killed during baptism

A group of Islamic extremists ambushed, opened fire and killed 15 people during a baptism celebration in Burkina Faso.

The attack occurred in Oudalan province close to the Mali border, persecution watchdog International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Although no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, it is suspected either Al-Qaeda or the so-called Islamic State are responsible, as there has been a rise in violence linked to these groups in West Africa.

“Burkina Faso, once seen as a harmonious nation of religious tolerance, has been infiltrated by jihadist and militia groups known to commit grave acts of violence and human rights violations. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso and ask the Lord to protect Christians living in these persecuted areas,” ICC said.

Since 2019, Christians in the country have suffered constant attacks on their homes and churches forcing many to flee. There are even reports that there are no open churches left in parts of the country.

The attack occurred on the same day as Release International warned that Burkina Faso is on track to become the next Nigeria, where Islamist militants and radicalised herders have killed thousands.

Burkina Faso ranks 32 in Open Doors’ list of countries where Christians are persecuted the most.

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