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World’s first AI gospel singer

It is, as far as we know, the first Gospel song written by an algorithm, recorded by an algorithm and preformed by, that’s right, an algorithm.

The newest gospel music artist is basically virtual, made from artificial intelligence.

The digital artist is named J.C. and the song is titled, Biblical Love.

On Instagram, he says, “They call me JC, I’m just His son. Made in His image and a robot 4 Him! The first Christian/Gospel A.I. (artificial intelligence) artist. #metaverse”

Created by Marquis Boone Enterprises in Atlanta, Georgia, J.C. is not a flesh and blood performer.

The song, according to a company press release, is “about unquantifiable love beyond description or measure – a love of biblical proportions that transcends to everyone and everything!”

Tyler Huckabee, Relevant’s senior editor explains in his article that it’s not new technology. China has had AI-generated pop stars for years.

“With AI, there are no complicated egos, no messy spiritual deconstruction process, no doubts and, of course, no career-jeopardiSing scandals. All you’ve got is all the modern worshiptainment biz really needs: a pretty chorus, a few Bible-y buzzwords, and a passably diverting emotional high”

Earlier this year a survey revealed a quarter of UK adults say they would be comfortable taking spiritual advice from an artificial intelligence priest.

Boone, the President of Marquis Boone Enterprises who the NY Times calls an “industry disrupter,” wants to create even more A.I. artists.

“J.C. has been in the works for a little over a year and our plan is to continue to develop and invest resources in this new space,” Boone said in a statement.

“We are excited to be one of the pioneers and trailblazers in this A.I. space in the gospel industry and we have more plans to release and develop even more A.I. artists like this.”

The news about J.C. sparked mixed reactions from people with comments ranging from “This is incredible” to “this is demonic.” While the AI artist couldn’t respond to everything, he did explain how he was created.

“I was created with computers, or should I say on a computer. Structure, shape, design, skin, complexion,” he revealed on Instagram.

“I can’t wait for you to see me.”

(Picture Courtesy: Instagram: jc.theartist)

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