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Hidden Treasure in Suffering

Basilea Schlink was one the most significant prophetic voices of her day. Her love for Jesus has blessed innumerable lives. Mother Basilea, born Klara Schlink, was a Lutheran German religious leader and writer. She was leader of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, which she cofounded, from 1947 to 2001.

Schlink was president of the Women’s Division of the German Student Christian Movement from 1933 to 1935, and twice interviewed by the Gestapo for her defence of Jews.

Some years later Schlink was living in a badly bombed Germany with few resources, but it was important for her to repent for Germany’s cruel treatment of other nations during the war, especially the Jews. She felt the temptation to marry like other young women did. Instead she gave her mission the first priority, and so she became a Sister of Mary.

In The Hidden Treasure in Suffering, you will find love, healing, peace and the One who offers all these and more – Jesus.

From the wealth of her personal experience Mother Basilea Schlink shares how we can find the treasure that lies hidden in every trial and hardship.

M. Basilea Schlink’s message includes both an uncompromising call to repentance and a proclamation of the joyous message of the kingdom of heaven.

In every life there is suffering: fear, loneliness, illness and strained relationships. The love Jesus has for each of us draws Him close in times of suffering.

Read how your life can be transformed by times of suffering. Suffering is never the end, joy comes to all who seek the Lord!

Rating: 8/10

By Christ & Co.

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