Written by 4:29 pm Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare • 4 Comments

Prayer for the mentally ill

Lord, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who feel mentally unstable.

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name we pray that they will be delivered and saved from destruction.

We pray for those that feel right now – that satan has been whipping them around. Please sustain them, protect them, and enable them to stand again.

Let them never harm themselves or others. Help them to see if there is something physical that is causing anxiety or depression.

Help them to sift through their circumstances to see if there is a need for change in some way.

If there is sin, or if their own unforgiving attitude or rebellion is causing it, please bring that to light and show them the best way to fight that battle.

Let them be set free forever from all emotional bondages.

Let schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, psychosis, neurosis, manic depression and all kinds of mental illness be routed from our families, homes and communities, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


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