Written by 6:51 am Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Prayer for pregnant women

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your presence our pregnant wives, sisters, mothers and friends.

We pray that theirs wombs and babies are blessed. God of Infinite Goodness, watch over expectant mothers as they await the birth of their child.

Grant these women confidence and strength to dispel their anxiety and fear. Bless them with the courage and faith of Mary, always listening to your will and trusting in your loving care.

As they prepare to bring new life into the world, grace them with good health and great joy. We look to you and your Son, Jesus Christ, as a sign of mercy and joy.

May the men who are to give them care and love, do so, with Your touch.

Praying especially for women who are doing this alone and for women who have conceived out of wedlock.

May Your angels give them relief from their discomforts.

We thank you for the honour of parenting and surrender their pregnancies to You, praying that throughout the whole time, You will be there to comfort, encourage and strengthen all the members of their families.

We pray that You would place Your hand of blessing on the little human being that is being formed in the womb.

Bless each of the mums and their babies with a safe and happy confinement and smooth labour.


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