Written by 4:49 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Oct 23

It’s often when a large crisis hits that people pray and fervently seek Jesus. May be that’s why they say that the most urgent, sincere prayers are prayed in hospitals.

Why wait for your deathbed to connect with JESUS?

You don’t have to make it that way. JESUS is here with us at all times. And He hears the prayers of both saints and sinners – the cries and mumbles of everyday people like you and me.

Legalistic religion often keeps us away from God rather than bring us close to Him. Why search for people who can seek JESUS on your behalf, when He wants to hear your voice, speak to you and comfort you as His own?

Many feel unworthy.

That too can change. You can be a glory carrier in your home, work place, the bus stop, the park, the store or any mundane spot that you happen to be in.

The secret is in the secret place.

Just press in harder into the Father Heart of God. Ask Him in Jesus’ name to forgive you and for an fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. The price has already been paid by JESUS’ shed blood on the cross. We just have to receive it freely.

The joy, the peace, the love, the healing that JESUS can give, is your birthright. There are no worldly distinctions as far as heaven is concerned. Anyone can approach JESUS in faith.

The good news: “The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

You may feel miserable and alone; don’t go by your feelings. JESUS is always with you and can touch you right where you are.

Press in harder. Seek Him with all your heart, soul and mind. JESUS is closer than you realise.

#SeekJesus #GodsOwnForever

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