Written by 3:53 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – May 8

This is for the ones who are in pain, in struggle and in constant battles that do not seem to end.

Some battles end the moment we turn to Lord Jesus – when we give up and tell Him, “All yours, Lord Jesus. Help me”. When you seek JESUS with all your heart, HE listens and the Holy Spirit shows up.

I believe He takes the oar from us right then. But sometimes, we may feel like we are still rowing.

That’s because its life on earth after all. And life on earth will never be heaven; its hard and challenging. If God’s own Son while on earth was beaten, abused, deceived, lied to, betrayed, hung on the cross to bleed to death, how can we expect fairness from this world? “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33), HE told us.

He never promised that challenges wouldn’t come and weapons would not be formed against us, He only promised that no weapons formed against us shall prosper. He also said that ALL things (the good and the ugly) would work together for good for those that trust in Him and are called according to His purpose. That means YOU.

And be aware that when storms come, you need to row harder, in His strength alone. Our strength alone cannot get us to the end. Call out to Him. And never move alone for the rest of your life. Cling to Him.

Some battles don’t end immediately because what does not break you will make you stronger. Just make sure that strength comes from Christ. HE alone will never abandon you or forsake you.

It does not make sense to cry out for dirty water from empty vessels when we have Living Waters promised to us. Its OUR birthright. And its free. And available even at 2 am when you are tired, sick, lonely and have no friends or family to help.

Turn to JESUS. We have a Heavenly Comforter waiting by to help us and to guide us – the Holy Spirit – promised by our Heavenly Daddy, to all who ask in His Son Jesus’ name.

May His presence strike you today.

#JesusCaresLikeNoOther #JesusHoldsMe

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