Written by 5:06 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 6

So many moments of our lives are wasted on worrying over things that may not even happen.

The Bible warns us that each day has enough trouble of its own. Do not be anxious.

It may be hard for you – if you are a struggling believer – to wonder why GOD isn’t intervening or doing enough to get you out of it, make it happen, take that problem away.

But it’s the crises that matures us. Look back at life – it’s the battles which you fought that made you stronger. In time, those built your faith muscles. Those things which bothered you so much don’t worry you anymore – God strengthened you.

Some of us have no victory in our everyday live, despite all that churchgoing, prayer meetings and Bible studies. You may seem ok, but you are miserable – wounds in your soul from the past make you insecure, angry, stressed, judgemental and hard to get along with.

The good news is all that can end today. It is just a decision away. You have power available to overcome the hurts from the past and the struggles of everyday life. To achieve victory in His strength.

His Word promises that we can have abundant life in Christ because He has overcome the world (John 10:10; 16:33)

May be when you are eighty, you may look back and realise that all those things which you fretted about never did happen. If it wont matter then, it doesn’t really matter now – don’t put your heart too much into it.

Being more than a conqueror means that before you ever have a problem, you are confident that you have whatever it takes to overcome it through your relationship with Christ.

You cannot have a problem-free life, but God promises that if you put your trust in Jesus, your faith in Him can enable you to rise above the problems. And when you get through the challenges, you’ll be stronger on the other side – much more than you were before you had them.

That’s ok. Cos that IS true victory.

#InHisStrength #SeekJesus

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