Written by 1:23 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Jan 24

God speaks into our todays.

Time to get rid of your ‘if only’s and ‘what if’s and focus on where you are right now. Ask JESUS what to do NOW and lead you into what HE wants for you next.

The enemy tends to make you worry about the future or feel hurt about the past. Do not make plans convenient for yourself and ask God to approve those. Ask God what HE wants you to do next.

Your YES to something that you don’t like or find hard, matters to GOD. And in turn, to many of His creations.

There is a gem hidden in your CURRENT situation – a tight spot that God can use to draw you closer to Him and align you to His plan for your future.

Pray, seek His voice and find that gem. Don’t miss your real call, chasing frivolities.


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