Written by 2:58 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Dec 6

We cheer for those who have won over their demons.

This time, let our hearts go out to the ones who are still fighting and failing – the adults battling addictions to drugs, alcohol, porn, the person who is jumping from one meaningless relationship to the other, the neighbour who can’t seem to forgive anyone, that bitter adult who rants daily, the friend who just can’t seem to beat depression for years, the ones who have gotten divorced multiple times, people who are hammered for their life choices the teen who hates his parents, the domineering boss, the rude and neglectful mate, the sarcastic parent, the colleague who is unbearable to work with, the lazy child and the toddler who can’t stop throwing tantrums.

We can and MUST have a different, GODLIER view point of people.

Do not downplay another’s sad experiences, their journey. It is one thing for us to forgive someone for not being what we thought they should be; it is entirely different for them to have had to forgive people for extreme abuse and neglect. Some have had to forgive themselves and others harder, than others.

We just don’t know how much of God it takes to heal these brethren.

Just be kind.

Don’t just push Bible verses at them, HELP the person ACHIEVE those. We wouldn’t ask a person who has a broken leg to just start walking or mock him for failing – we first SUPPORT them, we help them heal and we give them resources. Now, that would be truly Christ-like.


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