Written by 4:19 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Dec 4

We live in a wounded world. Even the most spiritual of us needn’t get it right ALL the time.

Pride erases one valuable quality from people – compassion for others – and causes us to treat their problems and concerns like they don’t matter. Pride will always, always always bring us down even before it brings others down.

Even if you get to pass on no great message from heaven today, please make sure that you don’t cause any new wounds that heaven has to work to heal.

Not to strangers, not to anyone from a different walk of life, age group or faith and definitely not to friends and family, who have to live with these.

A person’s, a church’s, a ministry’s downfall begins when they believe they are better than everyone else, start mistreating people and looking at others as beneath them. At that point, God may have to deal with them.

The apostle Paul said in Galatians 2:20: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”.

Make that come alive today. In your own life. Then pass it on to others.

#LivingGodly #StayingInChrist


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