Written by 3:03 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Dec 18

God holds you and me to a very high standard of love, holiness, honesty and purity. But when struggles hit, its not easy to fan up the flames of faith.

We put faith in people, wealth, situations. In every area, we trust human experts. Seek GOD in faith first.

If you’ve ever had surgery or therapy, you understand that pain isn’t always bad. You allow the expert to subject you to pain because you believe he’s working for your good. You have faith in the process, even though it hurts at that moment.

You also rejoice, when all that faith you put in the expert pays off eventually.

Have more faith in Your Maker. JESUS loves you, died for you and lives in you. He ordains your steps and will guide you out of any pain. If you let HIM.

And there will always be opinions on how God speaks to man.

Did I do too little or too much? How do I know its GOD leading me?

One sure test – don’t believe anything said, taught or discerned – contrary to

1) The nature of God and

2) The Word of God

#HaveFaithInGod #GodIsGoodAllTheTime

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