Written by 12:23 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Dec 12

It’s easy to love God who we see as someone in the spiritual realm far away.

Not that easy to love people as Jesus loves them.

Next time when someone annoys you, remember HIM. How much love, grace and mercy has poured out of Him to you over the years.

What you show, you will always receive back. Don’t lose a single opportunity to show love.

When you are miserable – do NOT take it out on someone – especially the vulnerable – that worried parent trying to soothe a crying child, your weak subordinate, the stressed out sales clerk or waiter, the youngest in the church, the oldest at the waiting line and definitely not even the customer care executive trying to apologise to you over the telephone.

Don’t wake up each day waiting to vent and don’t make others as miserable as you are.

Words count. Actions count.

Showing love to someone who does not expect it, is one of the most powerful things we can do – as children of God. That’s when they truly see God. And He can truly change the air around us right then.

Help make lives easier. Memories should be happy. Make them smile.

#LivingChrist #ReflectingHim

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