Written by 4:50 pm Spiritual Warfare

Holy Week Prayers

Almighty Father,

You sent Your only Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sin, show me how I can honour You and bring glory to Your name, by walking in the way of Jesus. Give me grace and mercy as I try and fail, guidance when I’m not sure which way to go, and wisdom to trust You in all things. For Your love brings light and life to all who seek it.

May I seek You evermore as I walk with You through this Holy Week and beyond.

O Heavenly and Almighty Father, who sent his only Son Jesus to live and die as one of us, save me. For all wisdom, all strength, and all glory is in You. You are my rock and my redeemer, my shelter in the storm. In You I place my trust, so that I may have hope. Let me walk in Your light all my days, seeking only You. I give You my life to love and serve You, following You in all that I do.

Jesus, You suffered greatly for our benefit. You walked the hard road through shame, betrayal, persecution, rejection. Yet, You only desired good things for us. You came in glory to save us and redeem us from our sins.

You came to offer us light and life, a hope in You that surpasses anything the world can offer. So, why do we too often turn our backs? Why do we give in to questions and disbelief when the road gets hard? Why do we look for easier paths to follow? Lord, lead me in Your way, encouraging me to persevere on the hard days, remembering the great hope I have in You.

O Lord, the King of Kings, who led and taught not as a mighty ruler, but a servant leader, show me how to lead and live through love. Teach me how to love and serve others with a gracious and humble heart. Help me to always remember Your words, being reminded each time I come before your table to share in the cup and the bread.

As I come before You to eat the bread of redemption and drink the cup of Your salvation, may I recommit my heart to serving You and leading through love.

To You, O Lord, who are mighty to save, pour out Your mercy and grace and lead me in Your way.

O Jesus, this week we remember Your death, the day Your light went out from this earth. We sit in the darkness today, remembering the trials You faced on our behalf. You have borne our sin and made the ultimate sacrifice to save us.

Today, as we recall Your final hours, we consider a world without You and hold onto the hope we know we have in You.

Lord, commit my heart ever closer to You, because I don’t want to live in a Good Friday world without You. I want You and Your light in my life. I believe in You and want to follow You all the days of my life, even knowing the road ahead will be difficult. Come, Lord Jesus, come and fill this world with Your light.

Heavenly Father, what great love You have for me that You would send Your only begotten Son to die for my sins. How can I ever doubt Your love or Your ways? Yet in these dark moments, I start to question and doubt. I wonder what comes next and I fail to recall Your great faithfulness.

Lord, forgive my unbelief and help me believe. Help me to trust You in all things, in all times, even through the valleys and dark seasons of my life. For You are my rock and my refuge, my strength in the storm. Your love never ceases, Your mercies never end.

Lord, You are enough for me – more than enough. Help me to remember that all the days of my life. Lead me to walk in love, as a shining reflection of Your love into this world. And help me live the life You desire of me, bringing glory to You in all that I do.


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