Written by 4:16 pm Divine Reflections

Arise, stop complaining

I never heard of a good soldier depressed because of the war. No. He takes his weapons and goes out to win the battle. That’s his training, calling and responsibility. Let’s get this done quickly and effectively, he would say. No wars, no soldiers!

And never have I heard of a competent medical doctor complain of the presence of patients in his hospital. What for? It shows his skills are trusted, reliable and effective. So, with great enthusiasm, he simply takes his stethoscope and confronts the challenge at hand. That’s his specialty, calling and ministry. No diseases, no medical personnel!

Here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May these Words of God be the weapons to help you fight victoriously in the Lord’s battles (1 Timothy 1:18)

Endure hardship [to be spiritually tough, violent BUT COMPASSIONATE] as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Such soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of carnal life, for then they cannot please the Lord Jesus Christ who enlisted them (2 Timothy 2:3,4)

Now, it is appalling and unfortunate that we, the sons of God who are God’s current and ONLY battle axes and anointed vessels on earth waste time complaining, murmuring and whining whenever challenges come knocking.

As God anointed and sent Jesus Christ to destroy the works of the Devil and manifest the will, glory and blessings of God, so are we, the body of Christ Jesus anointed, with the power of the Holy Spirit to CONTINUE destroying the works of the Devil, receive, manifest and minister the salvation, glory and blessings of God to the world.

The anointing on us is not a fanciful souvenir we hang on our walls and brag about! We should be and do like Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Get to work.

And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for that was WHY God’s PRESENCE was with him ALWAYS (Acts 10:38)

You are a problem solver.

The solution creation is eagerly awaiting and a blessing wherever you go. Put the anointing and your gifts to work for God to have something to work on. Do it by faith, whether you FEEL like it or not.

God’s presence and approval will always be with the person GOING ABOUT DOING GOOD, because God’s good! If the need is there, then be there.

The worst of times are the best of times, because that’s the best time for God to demonstrate His exceptional, infallible and incredible power THROUGH YOU.


By Apostle Steve Adonai

Steve is married and lives in Illinois, USA. He is the Founder/President of Global Stamina Inc-PUSH Worldwide. He has visited countless ministries and denominations in Nigeria, Ghana and the USA. He liaises with ministers to enhance the unity of the Church, emphasising on the urgency to get sinners saved, saints edified, trained and deployed as ministers who demonstrate signs, wonders and God’s miracles to this hungry, depraved and lost world that’s eagerly awaiting the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God.  His page on Facebook is https://bit.ly/37DMpY9

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