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Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Nov 28

The harshest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.

When we keep repeating those for years, they become a part of our days and we start to believe them.

Each lie is a battle – we can overcome only by taking each thought and making it captive to Christ.

Do not start living in this illusion of being someone you are not, insisting that you are ok when you are not, doing stuff that you don’t like, fearing things that can never actually happen and being overtly concerned about what people may be thinking about you.

That destroys our peace, shatters emotional freedom and makes us live in our own prisons. This in turn  affects our actions and every other person we care about and interact with.

Think about it.

People push loved ones away because of the lies they believe. They then lie again saying nobody cares. When we actually have potential to achieve things in life, we negate it by saying ‘cant’ to ourselves.

Submit to GOD. Resist the father of lies, satan. And he will flee. Search the WORD. Believe the TRUTH that GOD speaks about everything. Throw out everything else.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is TRUE, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things (Philippians 4:8)

#TrueToLife #SeekGod

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